Friday, March 18, 2011

Influences that had affected my Life !

Table of Contents

1. An Elegant Piece of Wood
2. Slap
3. Lets hang out
4. Family. Free time?
5. Question?

An Elegant Piece of Wood

The moment I stepped into the room, I can feel butterflies going mild in my stomach. The teacher was standing there measuring hand lengths. I got scared because I had really short arms and I knew it was a 50/50 chance that I would be able to get one. The teacher measured me and said there was no violin that fits my arm length. I teared and ran out the door like a cheetah. The moment I told my mom about it, she was as quiet as a turtle. She didn’t say anything.
The next day, she surprised me with a violin in her hand and I screamed like a mouse. The violin smelled like fresh wood and the color made it look so elegant. When I tried playing the violin, it made a vibrating sound that surrounded the room. It was difficult for me to read the notes and to understand all the dynamic changes. Whenever I play, my hands turns to be as sweaty as if I just ran a mile.The first song I played was allegro and when I realize that I can play such beautiful music.
Time passes as I get better and better with that instrument. My very own first solo was played at the church near Lake Merritt. As I walked onto the stage, my heart felt like it was going to explode. The moment I place the bow onto the strings, I knew I could play song for the audience. I played and played until my song was over. The audience’s hands were so cheerful. They keep on clapping. I walked off the stage with pride. My music life started from there.....


Don’t talk back to me ! says Mama. She slapped my face so hard, it was red. My face was as red as the color of a red apple. Drops of tears were coming down my face like it was raining. My mom rush towards her room and shut the door as if someone was chasing her.
My brain started to repeat what my mom said over and over. I screamed and ran into the bathroom closing their door as fast as a rabbit can run. I stared at the mirror and look at my swollen face. I teared even more. I was reminiscing what I did wrong that caused my mom to hate me so much. I was never slap in the face before.
As my memories come back, I realized it was because I talked back to her when she was trying to tell me something. I wiped all my tears off my face with a tissue that was as soft as silk. I walked out the door and there was my mom sitting in the sofa so stiff like a wooden figure.
Mom I’m sorry that I talked back, I said. That was disrespectful, she replied. I stared at the fish tank right next to her and say, I’ll never do it again. She started to sink into tears and suddenly hugged me tightly. I was never slapped again.

                                   Lets Hang out !

“Ring, Ring, Ring” the phone rang. Hey, Lets hang out!, my friend Allie said. The moment I heard that phrase, I cheered ! I ran into my closet to check what I should wear for that day.
The day had came when my group and I went ice-skating. The friends’ smiles and hugs were so warm that I feel like my body is a fireplace. I stepped onto the skating rink and hands were holding me giving me the confidence that I won’t fall. I start skating around and every time I stop, I can see my friends either talking or skating.
My stomach started to growl like a sad dog and the moment I got off the rink, my friends held a pile of food for me to choose from. I love my friends and after I was done. I went off to the arcade where i spotted a bear that i really want. My friend walked over to me and tried playing that game. He won. Handing me the bear i feel loved like i just ate a piece of chocolate. The coldness filled the air leaving me to shiver like a dog hating to take a bath. The day was over and my face starts to frown like a bird missing its nest. Bye ! I need to see you guys again, I said. Everyone separated and left for their life.
       Family. Free Time?

    Everyone in our family has different events they like to do when it comes to their free times. My mom is a sloth who likes to sleep everyday and she does not like to do anything. She can just sleep the whole day even with distractions. And me, when I’m free I like to go shopping with my friends. My friend always say that I am like an alligator in which always be trying  to snatch things I see.

Every time my dad is free, he likes to go hang out with his friends by going to visit his friends. Usually he would go to his friends’ restaurants. His mouth shoots out bullets that can hurt people and every sentence that comes out is with lies. My brother likes to go out to the city where it is crowded with people along with the smell of food and the sounds beeping of cars.

    “ What is it like to go college? ” I asked as I stared at UC Berkeley. “ Someday you’ll know,” my uncle replied. I looked at the streets. The streets were crowded with people. There were a lot of students walking around the stores. “I want some food!” I said. “Hmm... I want some McDonald.” I continued. My uncle replied, “Okay.” We parked the car across the street from McDonald. As we got off the car, I asked, “ Who are they?” I pointed at those group of girls all carrying a pile of books. My uncle said, “ I think they are students from UC Berkeley.” “ I want to be like them someday.” I said. My uncle gave me a big smile showing his crooked teeth. He said, “ When you’re in college, I’ll drive you whenever you need me to.” That day I knew my goal is to get into a good college.

1 comment:

  1. I responded to this here! :]
