Friday, April 1, 2011

Lets talk about Guitars ! :D

Reading all these vignettes that my classmates had wrote, I found out that there was a pattern in some of the vignettes that strucked me. I realize that some of the vignettes have the same pattern just like Christy, Fermin, and David where they all talked about guitars.

Many of us have talents that were not revealed until our later age. Christy is an example because she found her talent later on in her life. She found her talent and she has the passion to keep going.  

“After a year I decided to buy a guitar. My first guitar was absolutely stunning. Jet black body that shined in the light. The light colored wooded neck fits in my palm perfectly. I know that the first strum would last forever.”

Christy found her talent and she knows that she will have it forever. Her talent was playing the guitar and the way she describes the guitar is really descriptive. This shows she love her guitar and love her own talent.

    Fermin is just like Christy because they both like to mention about guitars.

“Playing Bass is my favorite thing to do in my free time. And of course, it is my all time favorite hobby. In my family, I happen to play bass and also so does my godfather.  But, there is a big difference, He has been playing bass guitar for about 15 years and I’ve been playing for only 4 months, a huge difference.”

Fermin found his talent too and it is to play guitar just like Christy. They both are beginners on the guitar. They develop a pattern where they both mention about guitars. They both believe that guitars are their favorites and will keep going throughout their life. Guitars are mention both of their vignettes.

David also mentioned about guitar in his vignettes. Although he did not talk about how guitar is one of his talents, he mentioned about it. They all have an interest in guitar so that is why they mention about guitars in their vignettes. I think that finding our own talents is really important and I am happy that Fermin and Christy found their talents.

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