Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Color Purple ( Celie's Letter to God)

    After reading the book The Color Purple by Alice Walker, the letters that Celie had wrote to God tells me about her character is very caring and protective towards one another. She cares about her sister and doesn’t want anyone hurt her sister.

    “ I see him looking at my little sister. She scared.. But I say I’ll take care of you. With God Help.” ( pg 3 )
    She is trying to protect her sister from her dad because she knows that someday her dad is going to do something inappropriate to her sister. Her dad was trying to do the same thing to her sister that he had done to her. This quote shows her relationship with god because on the last few words of the quote says “With God Help”. She gives lot of trust to god and believe that god can help her get through problems. Celie feels that god is her parent that can protect her and help her save her sister along with her. I feel that Celie is replacing his real dad with god because he don’t feel safe with his real dad.
    Celie is a risk taker who tries her best to save people around her that she love. She knows that she will have to do something that she doesn’t want to do but in order to save people around her that she love, she have to do it.
    “ I ast him to take me instead of Nettie while our new mammy sick.” ( pg 7 )
    Celie demonstrated her care to her sister Nettie because Celie knows that her dad is going to do something to her sister. She decided to take risk into asking her dad to take her to do inappropriate things instead of her sister Nettie. She would ask her dad and risk herself into doing inappropriate things is because she knows that God is going to be her guidance and protect her. Celie believes that one day god is going help her get rid of her horrible life and live a better one. She knows that God would want her to have a good life then the one she is suffering because she knows that God will always be in her life and will ever leave.

1 comment:

  1. Great choice in quote selection! I like your first quote and commentary. To make your writing impeccable, be careful with your syntax, "After reading the book The Color Purple by Alice Walker, the letters that Celie had wrote to God tells me about her character is very caring and protective towards one another,";when you say about her character is very, it could be worded better by saying that she is.
