Thursday, August 19, 2010

Just Kidding Ganging Up

   One time, I had been harassed by this group of African American guy because they heard something wrong from this girl named Jamila who misheard me from our class where we were studying about colleges. They thought I teased about their race and how their African American race would be always ended to be at Laney College. The amount of African American guys that was threatening was about 8 people. They misunderstood me because I didn’t say that African Americans would all be in Laney College but I was saying that a lot of races would ended up being in Laney College because of their financial problems.

  The race of African Americans would particularly be offended because of the way they look and the way they talk and that could cause people to misunderstand them. They made me feel frightened because they were all holding a stick trying to threaten me. I thought they were going to attack or hurt me, so I started to tear. My options for this situation was to scream for help or just let them hurt me because there were no time for me to call police.

  There are a myriad of reason of why people would want to bully others. One reason for bullying others that they want to stand out from the crowd. For example, a guy always had been unpopular with no friends and people would just think he’s invisible, however if he starts bullying then he would drive lots of attentions. Another reason may be that the bully’s feelings were hurt or felt stereotyped. An example may be that someone is hurt and they felt mad so they want to bully someone to let out their madness. The last reason may be that the bully had been bullied before so they want to become a bully and protect them. An example may be that a boy was very smart and was bullied because of his smartness and one day he got mad and sick of getting bullied so he decided to bully others. In conclusion, there are many reasons why people would bully each other and I had also experienced getting bullied. This is something that would be in people’s everyday lives.

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