Friday, August 27, 2010

Quote~ ASTI constitution

This quote I read from Janice Troung had demonstrated the importance of the ASTI constitution.

When I was little I wasn't very popular. My friends would kick me and push me down the stairs. I never felt like I never fitted in anywhere in school. My sisters wouldn't let me play hide and seek with them, so I was left out. I kept wanting to play with them and never gave up trying. I think people mostly bully each other because they think that it is funny or it makes them feel strong and confident. Some people don't know that they are hurting there peers. They beat up and say rude things to make them feel stronger because they don't fight back. People don't say sorry because they don't think they need too.
In this quote, it had demonstrated that we need to have the ASTI constitution. In this quote, Janice had suffered many troubles like getting kicked or push down the stairs ,however in the ASTI constitution showed that we should include and not exclude. In the quote, Janice's friends were excluding her out that was why they kicked or pushed her down the stairs. Also in the quote Janice had also talked bout how her sisters wouldn't let her play with them and how she was left out. well in the ASTI constitution, it had been said that students should accept others for who they are. In ASTI, we shouldn't hurt other people's feelings just like how Janice's feelings were hurt because of being left out. I especially liked the quote where Janice said she will keep trying until they would play with her. Athough this wasn't the ASTI constitution however it is an example of to never give up.

i also believe that Janice or anyone else that is getting bullied  by anyone should speak up for themselves because there are always people that are bullied and you have to let the bully know how you feel truthfully. Also i find that the friends and sisters of janice should try to understand where janice is coming from and how she is feeling about being left out. This quote from janice is a very good way to let people understand that the ASTI constitution is very important and we need that constitution to create a good community!

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