Friday, January 28, 2011

My rebuttal for Elton's Opening statement :D

I am going to do a rebuttal towards Elton’s opening statement about how children should be role models because they are well known and provide huge influences to the children in the world.  I would like to first off rebut on his opinion towards why child actors are bad to the public.
Another thing is that i think child actors are only bad to the public is because of paparazzi and i would definitely agree that it would be annoying having someone around always taking picture of me.
Referring to Elton’s blog, i think that the way he thinks that child actors act bad in public because of paparazzi is  from his own opinion. There had been no proof that child actors are actually being bad in public because of paparazzi. Some may be irritated by the paparazzi, however they should know that every step they take with a paparazzi next to them will be exposed to the community and their fans who are children that would be able to see that. I believe that if child actors love to be role model, they should understand that in any circumstances, they must be nice and good to one another.

There had been many child actors right now who are using drugs and hiding the fact that they are doing drug don’t work.

But one reason as to why i think she isn’t that bad because she only probably tried it or she probably would never have shown anyone or tell them that she does drugs.

Elton may be right that Miley Cyrus won’t be telling people that she is doing drugs however there are many websites and social networks in the world right now. One person can find out or even spy on her and the whole world would know including the little children that are believing that Miley is a role model to them. For instance, there had been many youtube videos with Miley Cyrus being rude to the public and many young children would watch those because they would want to follow their role models. Definitely child actors would believe that they are doing no bad to children, however it only takes one step for children to follow. They believed in their role models and believe that they are doing everything right.

1 comment:

  1. Good observations! Are you saying that there are no good child role models in the world? Are you also saying that no good acts that any child star does can override the minor misdemeanors that they have done?? I wonder what you think about my point!! great over all :D
