Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Back and Forth of Shame and Pride

Q often goes back and forth between prideful arrogance and shameful embarrassment.

Qwfwq’s had his shameful moments. In the beginning, Qwfwq’s fiance LL had always been with Qwfwq and they are in love. Until they went to meet Qwfwq’s great uncle it turns out that his great uncle turns to be his rival. As a result, Lll started to leave Qwfwq and started to hang out with his great uncle. “ She surfaced,but she wasn’t alone; the sturdy, curved tail of Great Uncle N’ba N’ga rose near hers and ,together, they left the waters.” (81) This quote shows that Qwfwq’s fiancee had left Qwfwq for his great uncle. Since Qwfwq’s fiance left him for his great uncle. Q find this humiliating, because Qwfwg is ashamed that he couldn't keep his love.

    Qwfwq also had his prideful moments.Qwfwq’s in the dinosaur story had always thought that he was the only dinosaur in the world that is still alive. Until he met the half breed dinosaur and had a baby with it which increases the dinosaur’s population. “ How long had it been since I had seen a little dinosaur so perfect, so full of his own dinosaur essence, and so unaware of what the word ‘Dinosaur” meant?’” (112) This shows that there is still more than 1 dinosaur that is still alive giving Qwfwq the feeling of being prideful. He was so proud that he has a son that is new dinosaur keeping the pride of dinosaurs not being extinct.
    Sometimes Qwfwq’s moments had went back and forth from pride and shame. Qwfwq lives on land where as his uncle lives on water. The problem of the story was that Lll left Qwfwq and decided to go with his uncle. “ ‘I’ll live here, the way uncle does down there,’ I shouted, stammering a bit; then i corrected myself:  ‘The two of us will live here together!’ because it was true that without her i didn’t feel secure.”(80)  The quote tells that Qwfwq is proud of where he lives and finds that his great uncle living in the water is similar to him living in land. But this quote also shows that Qwfwq is ashamed because he felt insecure without Lll beside him since LL left him for his great uncle.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Response to Amber's Blog: ASTI'S Size Increase?

I took this quote from Amber Chan’s Blog.
From reading this quote, i am a bit scared that the AUSD would increase ASTI’s size to four hundred students because teachers would drive less attention to students. Also it is better to keep a small size for ASTI because to me ASTI is a family and almost everyone would know each other and give each other support. I am also worrying that if there is over four hundred students in ASTI with seventh and eighth grader, it may not be an early college high school anymore. To tell the truth, the first time i visited ASTI i thought it was only a good school because of the early college high school and i believe probably many of the new applicants would feel that way too.
As an alternative, l kind of feel that it would be excited for seventh and eighth graders to join ASTI because freshmens wouldn’t be the smallest In the ASTI campus anymore. Also upper class mens in the school can help or tutor seventh and eighth graders to help them to get ready and build reliance for high school. As the years go by, seventh and eighth graders would turned to high school students and continue the prides of helping seventh and eighth graders. Also it may be a good thing that we are recieving middle school students because i had heard that other Alameda middle schools would shut down and that means that middle school students in Alameda may loose their education and if ASTI could help, it would mean alot to the middle school students.

Today, we had a PTSA meeting at school, and we came to the topic of the possible size increase for ASTI.Mr. Fong talked about how AUSD was planning to increase ASTI's size to 400 students, but the grades levels would be from seventh grade to twelfth grade.  The students would not be at the portable campus only, but supposedly, we would have the seventh and eight graders at a different campus, and the ninth through twelfth graders at the ASTI and COA campus.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

FreeWrite: Moon Fest

This is a picture of moon cakes! I got this picture from http://www.hoteltravelvietnam.com/web/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/moon-cake.jpg

Today my family and I celebrated the moon festival where we would have moon cakes, fruits, and other foods while looking at the magnificent round and bright moon after the sky turns dark. The moon cake festival can also be called Qiong Qiu festival where it is usually celebrated on Aug 15 lunar year. Friends and families would give each other moon cakes as if they were gifts. Sometimes businesses would need to give it out to other businesses to show their sincerity and provide commission to each other.
The structure of a moon is usually made out of lotus seed paste and a yolk that is salted duck egg. The length of the moon cake is usually 10 cm in diameter and the width could be really thick. The top crust of the moon cake had printed Chinese words to show harmony or longevity in order to be sufficient.When you bite into the moon cake, it creates many sweetness into your mouth. There are also many different structures of moon cake that had been invented from the past years. For example, there are moon cakes that are made of any types of jelly and taro paste as the filings. Moon cakes are usually sold in bakery shops or any Chinese grocery stores. Moon cakes usually cost 10 dollars to 50 dollars depending on whether you want expensive or cheap ones.
While celebrating moon cake fest with my family, my grandparents would tell us tales about the origin of moon cakes. What they told me was that moon cakes was created long time ago when the mongols ruled China. They used moon cakes to send messages to overthrow the mongols and after they read the messages they would eat it all up to hide the messages. Other tales say that it is linked to this moon goddess where emperors would offer sacrifices to the moon in the mid autumn.
Moon Fest is the best day to spend time with your family and stare at the bright and round moon!
Some of these information about how the mooncake were from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mooncake

Friday, September 17, 2010



Response to Nawara's Blog: School :0

I am responding to Nawara's blog

I had the same thought as Nawara when i first arrived at ASTI. For me, the first day at ASTI had made me nervous because i used to go to a school that had over 800 students however i never knew that my high school would be such a small environment. I find that I had a lot of work too because in the past i would do homework for around 1 hour or less however after I went to ASTI my homework had increased to at least 5 hours a day. 

I had the same feeling when i first came to this school like i was all thinking about college just like Nawara. i thought that if i go to ASTI ,i would finish college early like before i turn 20, but it was wrong however i did notice that Asti gave more higher educational standards than any other high schools.I can relate to Nawara that her first day she was scared that she wasn’t going to succeed because i had thought about dropping out of ASTI if i fail all my classes however I find myself fitting into to ASTI after all.

During this month at ASTI, i had experienced community and i had felt very welcomed from all students. Although there is a lot of homework  in school, there were no problems for me because i had help from all my friends that i met.
When I think about school, I imagine homework, quizzes, breaks, gossip, etc. When I came to Alameda Science and Technology Institute, I learned that I was in a smaller environment and in an area that is full time work, work, work. When it was my first day of school, all I was thinking about was college. I felt like I was not in a high school where they have rallies, dances, and football games. I was in a community where we succeed in higher educational standards. As a freshman, I was scared. I felt like I was not going to succeed even though I was accepted, I did not feel like I was ready.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Response to Karissa's blog : Path to Failure

I found this wonderful quote from Karissa's blog that inspired me to write a response

 When I was little I used to love watching Lizzie McGuire, That's So Raven and Lindsay Lohan movies. I remember when Hilary Duff was like the Miley Cyrus today. However, now we barely hear anything about her or Raven Simone and the only reason that Lindsay Lohan is still talked about is because she's a mess and is on all kinds of drugs. I guess my point in writing this is to state my opinion that most acting careers that start on TV stations like the Disney Channel don't tend to last too long. 
  I fully agree with Karissa's quote because when I was a little girl I used to like to watch Lizzie mcGuire too however as she grows old I realized that I wasn't as interested in her as before since she grows old she becomes more mature and she wasn't a teen anymore and she acts differently. Now there is another Hilary Duff which is Miley Cyrus and it is true that she attracts many teens to watch her shows and listen to her songs however she will follow Hillary Duff's path as she grows old like right now she is already 18. I used to hear more about Hannah Montana before and now I don't even know what happened to Miley Cyrus except that I know she changed her styles and she turned more mature.

  Another response about karissa's quote is that before when I was 7, I wanted to become a disney star however as I grow older I also realized that being in disney channel is a failure as you grow up in disney channel just like what karissa said because as you grow old in disney channel you would find that everything is a mess since you wouldn't attract as much fans as you will. you will also recieved many stress which force you to take drugs and suffer in rehabs.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Opening Statement: Cons for Prostitution

     First of all,Christy and I found that prostitution should be illegal for numerous reasons.The first reason why prostitution is bad is because it can cause women to have an abortion and it affects their health. Besides, having a abortion may be hard for the prostitute to actually have another baby if they want to in the future with their own family. Abortion can cause financial issues which can lead to stress towards the prostitute because they wouldn’t know who the father is since they have sex with so many guy customers.

      Secondly, the reason why prostitution is bad is because it can cause women to have HIV/AIDS and other STD’s but also men can receive it too from the prostitute.These diseases can cause prostitute or men to shorten to their lives. One quote from Jeffrey J.Barrows,D.O states,"Even if a prostitute is being tested every week for HIV, she will test negative for at least the first 4-6 weeks and possibly the first 12 weeks after being infected.... This means that while the test is becoming positive and the results are becoming known, that prostitute may expose up to 630 clients to HIV. This is under the best of circumstances with testing every week and a four-week window period. It also assumes that the prostitute will quit working as soon as he or she finds out the test is HIV positive, which is highly unlikely. This is not the best approach for actually reducing harm. Instead, in order to slow the global spread of HIV/AIDS we should focus our efforts on abolishing prostitution." Although this quote assumes to us that prostitutes would quit their job if they knew that they had HIV positive however some women just need money for their financial problems so then they would just transmit the disease to men anyways which is bad because it is spreading the disease and infecting others. By doing so it would increase the numbers of HIV/AIDS and Other STD’s.

      Lastly, prostitution can lead to human trafficking. Human trafficking is the illegal trade in human beings for the purposes for sex or labor.One quote from Margareta Winberg states,"I believe that we will never succeed in combating trafficking in women if we do not simultaneously work to abolish prostitution and the sexual exploitation of women and children. Particularly in light of the fact that many women in prostitution in countries that have legalised prostitution are originally victims of trafficking in women." As you know Trafficking can happen in many different ways. Females would be taken by traffickers from another county with the purpose of prostitution and would be somewhere where they would have to face sex slavery that involves trading and auctioning. Trafficking itself is very scary and dangerous of course because you don’t know where you are going and what is happening. When many girls refuse to listen to orders or commands, they would receive disciplines. This whole idea of trafficking formed by prostitution had not only made females to have sex but also they had to face disciplines.

      As you can see, prostitution is a DREADFUL idea that can cause prostitutes to face financial problems, abortion problems, diseases, and trafficking. Prostitution would also have financial problems because they would have to pay their expenses on abortion fees and doctor check ups.These problems won’t come up if there are no prostitutes around. Over time many diseases had been transmitted and the percentage of abo