Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Back and Forth of Shame and Pride

Q often goes back and forth between prideful arrogance and shameful embarrassment.

Qwfwq’s had his shameful moments. In the beginning, Qwfwq’s fiance LL had always been with Qwfwq and they are in love. Until they went to meet Qwfwq’s great uncle it turns out that his great uncle turns to be his rival. As a result, Lll started to leave Qwfwq and started to hang out with his great uncle. “ She surfaced,but she wasn’t alone; the sturdy, curved tail of Great Uncle N’ba N’ga rose near hers and ,together, they left the waters.” (81) This quote shows that Qwfwq’s fiancee had left Qwfwq for his great uncle. Since Qwfwq’s fiance left him for his great uncle. Q find this humiliating, because Qwfwg is ashamed that he couldn't keep his love.

    Qwfwq also had his prideful moments.Qwfwq’s in the dinosaur story had always thought that he was the only dinosaur in the world that is still alive. Until he met the half breed dinosaur and had a baby with it which increases the dinosaur’s population. “ How long had it been since I had seen a little dinosaur so perfect, so full of his own dinosaur essence, and so unaware of what the word ‘Dinosaur” meant?’” (112) This shows that there is still more than 1 dinosaur that is still alive giving Qwfwq the feeling of being prideful. He was so proud that he has a son that is new dinosaur keeping the pride of dinosaurs not being extinct.
    Sometimes Qwfwq’s moments had went back and forth from pride and shame. Qwfwq lives on land where as his uncle lives on water. The problem of the story was that Lll left Qwfwq and decided to go with his uncle. “ ‘I’ll live here, the way uncle does down there,’ I shouted, stammering a bit; then i corrected myself:  ‘The two of us will live here together!’ because it was true that without her i didn’t feel secure.”(80)  The quote tells that Qwfwq is proud of where he lives and finds that his great uncle living in the water is similar to him living in land. But this quote also shows that Qwfwq is ashamed because he felt insecure without Lll beside him since LL left him for his great uncle.

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