Wednesday, September 22, 2010

FreeWrite: Moon Fest

This is a picture of moon cakes! I got this picture from

Today my family and I celebrated the moon festival where we would have moon cakes, fruits, and other foods while looking at the magnificent round and bright moon after the sky turns dark. The moon cake festival can also be called Qiong Qiu festival where it is usually celebrated on Aug 15 lunar year. Friends and families would give each other moon cakes as if they were gifts. Sometimes businesses would need to give it out to other businesses to show their sincerity and provide commission to each other.
The structure of a moon is usually made out of lotus seed paste and a yolk that is salted duck egg. The length of the moon cake is usually 10 cm in diameter and the width could be really thick. The top crust of the moon cake had printed Chinese words to show harmony or longevity in order to be sufficient.When you bite into the moon cake, it creates many sweetness into your mouth. There are also many different structures of moon cake that had been invented from the past years. For example, there are moon cakes that are made of any types of jelly and taro paste as the filings. Moon cakes are usually sold in bakery shops or any Chinese grocery stores. Moon cakes usually cost 10 dollars to 50 dollars depending on whether you want expensive or cheap ones.
While celebrating moon cake fest with my family, my grandparents would tell us tales about the origin of moon cakes. What they told me was that moon cakes was created long time ago when the mongols ruled China. They used moon cakes to send messages to overthrow the mongols and after they read the messages they would eat it all up to hide the messages. Other tales say that it is linked to this moon goddess where emperors would offer sacrifices to the moon in the mid autumn.
Moon Fest is the best day to spend time with your family and stare at the bright and round moon!
Some of these information about how the mooncake were from

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