Friday, October 29, 2010

(Ignore all my other Blog reflections!) TRUE REFLECTIONS FOR THIS QUARTER

Throughout this quarter, my blogs were mostly responses from my classmates’ blogs. I believe that my classmates’ blogs had gave me a different perspective towards writing. In the responses, there were many agreements for me and it brought up more ideas that i can write in the future. I realized that my blog response were mostly based on academics and i would like to improve myself by responding to other blogs that doesn’t typically relate to academics. Blogging with my classmates has changed the way I write, and now I want to think more deeply about the differences between my academic and non-academic writing.

This is my first time setting up a blog and from reading all my classmates’ blog, i had understood why blogs are so important. Responding classmates’ blogs had help me carry back my memories from the past just like the response post that I did about Bullying based on David Su’s blog.Writing response posts to classmates’ blogs had help me become a better writer because reading the blogs had gave me improvements towards my grammars and conventions.
When i was in fifth grade i was once teased by a classmate of mine and he called me fat and started to bully me. My feelings were hurt and i began to cry. Bullying can be a serious issue and when you hurt some one’s feeling very bad, you don’t know what they would do to themselves.Some people would cry after they are hurt however there are some that would hurt themselves or others.

Responding to blogs was a way for me to tell people about my past where i was embarrassed or hurt. By expressing myself with response blogs,it had help me get over the fears of my embarrassments. Harsh memories that had always been in my heart had slowly disappeared after I let it all out by using blogs. As I read the response post that i wrote from David’s blog, I realized that my grammars had improved and the sentences were flowing more smoothly. I remember before I started writing blogs, my writings were a blur. I was struggling with long run-on sentences that had caused difficulties for my readers to read my writings. I realized why blogs are important after reading lots of my classmates’ blogs and from reading David’s blog, i recognized how his post had affected me because after reading his blog, it helped me understand more about bullying and helped me bring back my past memories.

            I had been writing many types of literature since I was a little kid where I learned how to write sentences with a few words. For example, when I was five years old I learned how to write “ She is big.” Blogs is different then what i usually write on literature papers because for blogs i don’t have to base my writings on anything because i could do free writes. Since we have freedom on blogs, i was able to express myself more. One of my free write responses was about Christmas from Karisa’s blog and i don’t believe that many teachers would actually let you choose that topic.

Something that i like about christmas is that you are able to enjoy a christmas tree full of candy canes and your family chatting eachother. Christmas is like a family reunion for me and also a time to receive things that i would need to supply for my whole year.

Usually when we have to write any literature, we would need to have a topic that is usually given by teachers. The way how I had responded to Karisa’s Blog was actually a free write and that topic was chosen by me. I really enjoyed that topic because Christmas is one of my favorite holidays of all and to be able to talk about this topic was my pleasure.Doing these free writes of blogging had gave me a chance to actually to feel free like how birds can fly. Blogging had changed the way I think about writing because in the past i thought writing any kind of literature was hard and can make me suffer however after I started to blog ;I realized that writing could be fun and a great way to tell other people about my feelings,life, and etc.

The times where I have to write more structured academic assignments like from writing classes are different from what i have to write in blogs because blogs are usually based on free write and your perspectives. Academic assignments were usually based on rubrics ,however we don’t need that typically for blog posts. I had wrote a blog post about moon cakes and it was my first free write post that was about my culture.

  Today my family and I celebrated the moon festival where we would have moon cakes, fruits, and other foods while looking at the magnificent round and bright moon after the sky turns dark. The moon cake festival can also be called Qiong Qiu festival where it is usually celebrated on Aug 15 lunar year.
I am the type of writer that can do horrible on writings once it is graded with a rubric ,however I find that doing blogs are really easy because i don’t need to a rubric to follow. I would get a good grade once i meet the requirements of creating a blog post. Also writing blogs are different then writing academic assignments because on the blog post about moon cakes, I didn’t have to follow any specific type of writing structures like persuasive essays and etc. I was able to represent my culture with this blog post and it is really important to me that I can represent my culture. Many people that are not from my culture may not know about my culture so blogging is a great way for me to share my culture to people.

After reading the blogs I had posted over this quarter, i have some goals to make. My first goal is to  write more words on my blog posts because I always find that my blog posts aren’t long or detailed enough so I would like to improve that. My second goal is to write my future blog posts with improvements of grammars and conventions because i always have the type of errors where my placement of words were incorrect or my spellings were wrong. This is an important goal because I don’t want my readers to get confused on my blogs. My last goal is to improve myself on doing blog posts by doing it more faster because I had always been procrastinating. My problem with procrastinating with my blog post was caused by Facebook because I couldn’t focus with Facebook on.  From the beginning until now, I had a lot of fun blogging and it provided me more thinking !

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