Saturday, December 11, 2010

A Child with An Abusive mother :(

I had my second discussion with my group about the book, A Child Called “It" by Dave Pelzer. The main character in the book was a boy named David who was abused by his mother. In our discussion, we talked about more abusing moments that David in the story had suffered.

There was a scene in the story where the boy had to throw up all his food.

“Globs of thick saliva slipped through my fingers, as I dropped it in my mouth.” (pg 66)

    As our group talk about this quote, we thought the mother was crazy because in the beginning of this scene his mother told him to throw up all his food from his stomach and eat it again. Christy, Justice, and I agreed that we thought this quote made us want to throw up because of the way they describe it.We thought about how could a mother do this to their own son because every single parent should know that food is really important to their children, so this scene was an abusing scene.

    Another quote from the story made my group thought about why would his mother hate him so much.

    “Once in the cabin, I was scolded for making too much noise. For my punishment, I was not allowed to go with my father and my brother to the super slide.” (pg 54)

    This quote made us feel sad for David because he was only one being punished by his mother although his brothers were making too much noise too. Our group placed a theory that David’s mother abused him was because there was probably this big event that happened that made David’s mother to hate him. In the book, after he was punished to not being able to play at the super slide, his mother tried to abuse him more. What his mother did was that his mother used his little baby brother Russel’s dirty diaper and tried to mush it all over his face. Isn’t that nasty? That’s even worse than the scene with him and his mother where his mother told him to throw up all his food. The diaper may contain poop or pee!

    As our second discussion ended, I started to question myself of what is going to happen on the third paper clip because all I know is that David is getting more abused from the first paper clip and second paper clip. I’m excited to know what happens next. :D

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