Friday, December 17, 2010

My future to college : Reponse to Alex's blogpost :)

    After reading Alex Noble’s post, I started to think more about my future and college career.

When I think of top colleges, Harvard and Yale come to mind. Coincidentally, they are the top colleges in the country. These are also the colleges that my extended family went to for some school and now they are successful doctors.  Harvard and Yale are special because they are both Ivy League schools. Ivy league schools are known for how hard they are to get into and the level of intelligence of people that go to them. When most people hear that someone graduated from an Ivy League school they instantly assume that they are of high intelligence.

    After reading this paragraph from Alex’s blog, I thought about the colleges that I would like to apply to. The first three colleges that came out of my mind was Harvard University, Stanford University, and UC Berkeley. The reason I think about these colleges was because my aunts and uncles were graduated from these schools. Also, for now the topic that I want to major on is business and Harvard and UC Berkeley are the top three best colleges for business. I would like to apply to Stanford because it is not so far nor too close to home and is one of the top colleges. I know that many teenagers would want to stay away from their family when going to college however I am those kind of teens that are in the middle. I want to be close to home but not too close because they would be annoying.

    I agree that people who are in Ivy League schools are usually viewed as intelligent people because they think that they are highly educated. Those people would view people on their intelligence from what school they go to would mostly be the people would ever interview them for their future jobs. As you can see, many jobs wouldn’t accept you unless you somehow accomplish something or went to a good college. In the past, one of my friend’s sister was graduated from UC Berkeley and she majored in business and when she came out to find a job, it was hard. Now she worked at the Walmart company and still couldn’t find enough money that could meet her expectations. Many job applications are based on what college you go to and the knowledge you put into the college. Work hard and you’ll be able to reach your future.

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