Friday, November 12, 2010

Future With Sucess Response to Andy's Blog

I think about success all the time. I ask myself questions like how my future should be. From reading Andy’s blog, I think more into my future success.

Success means many things to people. To me success describes a positive result or wished-for ending through the achievement of goals. The key to success lies in hard work and perseverance. Ultimate success in life can only come from hard work. I came to understand this philosophy during my experience in studying the subject, Pre Calculus. I feel proud of myself for making a change in my life that will assist me in the future.

    I agree with Andy that success describes a positive result because for my ideal success is to have accomplishments and become successful one day in the future. For my successful future, I dream myself graduating from Harvard University majoring Business and earn myself as the CEO of the Abercrombie and Fitch Company.

Andy is right that success lies in hard work and perseverance because I had once experienced a situation that taught me about success. When I was in sixth grade, I did not care about my classes and I did not touch any of my homework. I thought I am too smart to do all those things because I believe that I would still get As in all my classes. However as my first report card came, I realized that my grades had deeply dropped to C+s and Bs. I got really disappointed because I wanted to go to private university when I graduate from high school. I started to work harder and at the end of the next report card, I got all As. This situation had taught me a lesson to work harder to earn my successes.

My situation was a lot similar to Andy. I am happy for Andy that he understood his philosophy from one experience just like me. Success is really important to me and in order to achieve this, I must work hard. I know that if I don't work hard, then my dreamed future would be ruined, so I know I should try my best.

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