Monday, November 8, 2010

The Kite Runner <>---- second response. :)

    After reading the second paper clip of The Kite Runner, I realized that there are real such things as karma because in the book it said that there aren’t any way that Amir and his wife Soraya can have a baby. They tried everything, however it did not work. Amir was a selfish person in past and that it lead to bad karma causing him to have no children. As I go farther in the book, there was good karma going on because Hassan was a loyal and nice person and that lead up to give Hassan a sweet little boy were Hassan and his wife had.

Also, there was a change on my perspective towards Amir. In the beginning i found him a selfish, greedy guy. As i read the second paper clip, he isn’t as selfish as i thought he would be. At the part where i was reading this book, i realized that he regretted and went to save Hassan’s son from danger. Another example is when he went to find Hassan’s son, he stopped at his friend’s house. He realized that they were really poor and Amir felt bad for them. At the end, Amir gave a wrist watch to the little boy of the family and he also placed a few crumbled dollars under the mattress before he left. From this, I could tell that Amir is actually a kind person after all.

Another thinking that came up from reading this book so far is how come Amir and his father did not use the money that they use for Amir’s wedding for a down payment for a house. They held the wedding for $ 35,000 dollars and i was wondering why didn’t they buy a house first and settle everything instead of living in a one bedroom house. Also,they could even use these money for a better life by starting a business of some sort. This could help his father with his health and could give everyone a better life. In my opinion, i believe that having a wedding that is $35,000 dollars is not worth it. It is better if they could actually use it more wisely.

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