Friday, November 5, 2010

Response to Luis Alba's Post about Subsitutes.

    This is a response post for Luis Alba about substitutes. I totally agree about what Luis had said about substitute subbing for classes.
“I hate it when people try and take advantage of substitutes like if they do not even know the rules of the school. In my old school, taking advantage of substitutes continuously happened throughout the year. I admit it I also used to take advantage but sometimes there is a limit.”

    I agree with what Luis is saying because usually I am one of the students that would take advantage of having substitutes. Usually I would ask the substitute to let me use the restroom without using a bathroom pass. I would think that the substitute will not know about bathroom passes, so if I go I won’t need one. Once when I was sixth grade and we had a substitute, i took the advantage of going to the restroom without asking and stayed in the restroom for fifteen minutes. The substitutes did not even notice.
    There are many times where some substitutes are really nice.A lot of the substitutes that i had experienced don’t usually yell at my classmates although we are really loud. Once in my old school, there was this lady substitute that let us use electronics when we had free times. Every one in my class brought out their phones and started to text or took out the Ipods to listen to music. To my classmates’ opinion, that was the best substitute ever.

Like what Luis had said about taking advantages when we have substitutes i totally agree because students just find that without their own teachers, it would be okay to take advantages from the substitutes. Sometimes there are substitutes that are strict too and even more strict then our very own teachers. That is why whenever I see my friends finishing that class and they would be coming out. I would rush to them and ask them if the substitute is nice or not. The worst substitute that I experience was the substitute that doesn’t know how to control the class because it would cause the other innocent people in trouble. Once I even experience a time where I got in trouble because the class were too loud so the whole class got detention.

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