Monday, November 15, 2010

Kite Runner! Last Response! :D

    After reading the last paper clip, I really hate Assef. He raped so many people including Hassan and his son named Sohrab. I find that when Assef got hurt in the eye from Sohrab’s slingshot, he earned it. I believe that I would like the story more better if Assef actually died. He did too much bad Karma, why didn't he die at the end? I realized that life is unfair because Hassan is a good person and he died. Assef did bad karma and was a bad person however he didn't die instead he lost an eye.

    In the story, Rahim Khan ended his contact with Amir by giving Amir a letter. I had the question in my mind like where did Rahim Khan go after the letter was send. My prediction was that Rahim Khan died because in the middle paper clip, it says that he was so skinny and sick. Sometimes Rahim Khan would even cough out blood. I find him really weak and it would be impossible for him to move on to somewhere else except death. Also, I realized that Rahim Khan tried to trick Amir into adopting Sohrab in a good way. He lied to Amir about an adoption center that Sohrab could go after being rescued however that adoption center never existed.

    I freaked out when I read pages 343-344 because I didn't know what happened to Sohrab ,however i know that the situation is bad. I started to tear a little as i read those pages because i thought Sohrab was going to die. He is so young and share many similarities with Hassan. The good part was that Sohrab was okay at the end. I dislike how Sohrab ignored everyone when Amir and him arrived in the United States. I find him really impolite ,however I know that there are many reasons why Sohrab was acting that way. I can step on Sohrab’s shoes and understood that his life is full of hardships. He lost almost all his family member except Amir in such a young age. Also, he was raped by Assef causing him to lose trust towards people.  

   After finishing this book, I realized that this book is really dramatic and intense. This book was great! :)

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